To Save Files Returned from a System Interrogate
Some interrogations retrieve files, such as log files, from the selected systems. You must specify
that System Interrogate collect these files (such as selecting AppServer logs from a Support
Tools Server)These files can be downloaded to your local system.
To download files returned from a system interrogate:
Step 1
Retrieve the information as noted above and view the resulting System Interrogate.
Step 2
Scroll down until you see a section containing a Download button. The download button signifies
that the log file can be downloaded.
Step 3
Click Download.
A pop-up dialog appears providing a link to download the file.
Step 4
Right-Click the link to download link and choose Save as... to download the file (typically a
.zip file).
Step 5
Save the file to your local system.
Step 6
Click Close in the pop-up dialog box to close the window.
How to Use the History Screens
Use the History screens to work with Support Tools files previously saved to the Support Tools
You can; Set an Expiration Date, Download, View, Rename, and Delete Saved files.
You can access the following saved file types through the screen:
System Interrogate files
Registry files
Registry Comparison files
Process files
Services files
To open the Files screen, from the Dashboard menu, select Support Tools > <mode> > <tool>
> Files. The Files screen automatically displays all of the files of that type currently stored in
the Repository.
Cisco Support Tools User Guide for Cisco Unified Software Release 2.1(1)
Chapter 11: Using Support Tools Utilities from the Dashboard
How to Use the History Screens