Command-Line Mode vs Interactive Mode
When run from a command line, Web Tools can be run in either command-line mode or
interactive mode:
In command-line mode, you enter the command invoking the utility, along with specific
arguments, on a single line. After the command executes the utility automatically exits.
Example: c:\cisco\ccbu\supporttools> interrogate /system logger_a /
In interactive mode, you enter the command invoking the utility on a separate command line.
After that, you can enter as many successive commands as desired. The utility does not
terminate until you explicitly quit.
c:\cisco\ccbu\supporttools> interrogate
> system logger_a
> query
> quit
Note: The trace and Log utilities are only available in batch mode; they cannot be used in
command-line or interactive mode.
Selecting a System to Use
When run from a command line, unless otherwise specified, Web Tools assume that the local
machine is both:
A) The application server (the machine from which the utility should be run), and
B) The target system (the machine to be queried by the utility).
For example, to run the System Interrogate utility on the local machine, and to target its query
at that same machine, enter:
>interrogate /query
Selecting a Different Application Server
If desired, you can specify a different machine (other than the local one) from which to run a
utility. For example, to run the System Interrogate utility from a machine named logger_a, enter:
>interrogate logger_a
Cisco Support Tools User Guide for Cisco Unified Software Release 2.1(1)
Chapter 12: - Using Cisco Tools from a Command Line
Command-Line Mode vs Interactive Mode