If a firewall stands between the Support Tools Server and any Support Tools node, and/or
between the Support Tools Server and remote users, you must open these ports on the firewall.
Note: Enabling the HTTPS port on a firewall is necessary when using Support Tools in the
default HTTPS mode.
Support Tools Listening Port
Support Tools requires a port to initiate connections with and listen for responses between the
Support Tools Server and Support Tools Nodes. By default, the Support Tools Server uses port
39100. As desired, you can specify a different port during installation.
As part of the Support Tools installation/configuration:
Ensure that the port used by the Support Tools Server is available on the supported Cisco
Unified software products it manages.
If a firewall stands between the Support Tools Server and any of its ICM or related Cisco
Product Nodes, you must open the listening port on the firewall.
All servers and nodes must use the same listening port. If you change the default port it must
be changed on the server and all nodes.
Support Tools Dashboard Web Browser Requirements
Access to the Support Tools Dashboard requires Internet Explorer 6.0 Service Pack 1 or greater.
No other browser types are supported.
Warning: While non-supported browsers may appear to work, irregular results can result
from their use.
Cisco Support Tools User Guide for Cisco Unified Software Release 2.1(1)
Chapter 2: - Support Tools Requirements and Compatibility
Support Tools Dashboard Web Browser Requirements