Local Users:
1. Name: <localhost>\<username>
2. Password: <local_password>
Note: Local users are typically administrators for whom Windows user accounts have been set
up on the Support Tools Server machine. This allows them to access the Dashboard in scenarios
when normal network authentication is unavailable.
The Support Tools Server fails to connect to the Node Agent
When trying to connect to Node Agents, the following message displays: “Attempt to send
command to system: 'ARIPG1A' failed. The specified host could not be contacted by the service
tool. System reported: The requested name is valid, but no data of the requested type was found.”
1. Ensure that the Server and Agent services are defined and running.
2. Check that the communications port defined is the same on the Server and Agent.
3. Check that the IPSEC policy is enabled, *AND* that the IPSEC PSKey is the exact same
on the Server and the Node Agent.
4. heck that the communication port defined in the registry is the same as is defined in the
IPSEC policy.
Utility Problems
Error When Selecting Host
Error returned when attempting to select a specific host as the current system
Cisco Support Tools User Guide for Cisco Unified Software Release 2.1(1)
Chapter 20 Troubleshooting - Support Tools Troubleshooting
Utility Problems