Step 6
If desired, check Elevate Command Priority. This ensures the command will run regardless of
the level of server activity.
Step 7
Click the Run button.
To Access RTTest from a Command Line on a Node
From a command-line on an ICM Call Router, you can access RTTest from any location on the
local physical drive. For example:
Note: You can access and run RTTest from other ICM components provided that the specified
node in the command line argument (see next section) is an ICM Call Router.
Using RTTest
Syntax: rttest [/f InputFile] [/system SystemName] [/cust Customer] [/
node ICRNode] [/pipe OutputPipe] [/debug] [/stop] [/help] [/?]
The command line options required to invoke RTTest are:
cust: Customer where Customer is a 3, 4, or 5 letter acronym signifying the ICM customer
node: ICM node where ICM node is either routera or routerb, depending on the router RTTest
to run.
At the RTTest prompt, type status. It will return the current state of each ICM central site process,
ICM Peripheral Gateway server, third-party automatic call distributor (ACD) and Voice Response
Unit (VRU) peripheral. For example:
c:\> rttest /cust csco /node routera
rttest: status
Router Version: Release 2.5 (service pack 2), Build 03134
Release Date: 12/23/98 13:30:08
Current Time: 03/17 16:00:42
Local Time: 03/17 11:00:42 (-5.0 hr)
Cisco Support Tools User Guide for Cisco Unified Software Release 2.1(1)
Chapter 13: Using Cisco Common Tools
How to Use the RTTest Utility