To open the Services screen, from the Dashboard menu, select Support Tools > <mode> Services.
Note: This utility is available to privileged users only. It will not appear on the Dashboard menu
for non-privileged users.
To View Services
To view services for the current system:
Step 1
Click the List Services button. The screen displays all services on the system.
For each service, the screen displays:
A check box whose column (Start/Stop) indicates whether the service is currently running.
Name: The name of the service.
Type: Either Critical (blue), Known, (green), or unknown (red). (Service type is defined in
the user-modifiable processinfo.xml file.)
Information: Additional information about the service as defined in the Services Definition
Note: Support Tools automatically determines the state of current services (started or stopped)
at the time you connect to a system. If you suspect these states have changed since you first
connected to the system, click the Refresh button to refresh the list.
To Stop or Start a Service
To stop or start a service on the current system:
Step 1
With the list of services displayed, select the appropriate check box (Start or Stop) for one or
more services.
Note: You cannot stop Critical (blue) services. Critical services are those that your company
has designated as essential to the health of the current system. For these services, the Select/Stop
check box is disabled.
Step 2
Click the Start/Stop Services button. A confirmation screen displays, listing the services selected
for an action.
Step 3
Click the Start/Stop Services button.
• Prior to stopping a service, you should be aware of the significance of stopping it, including
any dependant services that may be affected. Note that the Cisco CCBU Support Tools Node
Cisco Support Tools User Guide for Cisco Unified Software Release 2.1(1)
Chapter 11: Using Support Tools Utilities from the Dashboard
How to Use the Services Screen