Possible Causes:
Incorrect URL entered
Incorrect port entered in URL
Tomcat Web server not started on Support Tools server
Support Tools Server or LAN connectivity down.
Possible Workarounds:
1. Re-type URL: http://<hostname>:8188/uiroot.
2. By default, Cisco CCBU Support Tools HTTP Server (Tomcat) bundled with Support
Tools uses ports 8188 (HTTP). Confirm with your administrator that this default has not
been modified.
3. Confirm with your administrator that the Cisco CCBU Support Tools HTTP Server
(Tomcat) is started and running properly on the Support Tools server.
4. Confirm with your administrator that the Support Tools server machine is up and running
properly, and that LAN connectivity exists.
Login Problems
Can Access Dashboard Login Page but cannot log in
Invalid user name specified.
Incorrect or invalid username or password entered.
Re-enter username and password as follows:
Network Users:
1. Name: <windows_network_domain>\<username>
2. Password: <network password>
Cisco Support Tools User Guide for Cisco Unified Software Release 2.1(1)
Chapter 20Troubleshooting Support Tools Troubleshooting
Dashboard Troubleshooting