To View Details of Log Collections
The Log Collection screen automatically lists each collection currently stored in the Support
Tools repository. For each collection, the screen displays:
Name: The name of the collection.
Requested: The date/time its request was sent.
Log Period: The start and end time of the collection.
Merge Logs: Whether or not this is a merged log collection.
Binary Data: Whether or not binary data was included in the log.
Log Groups: The log group used for this collection.
Additionally, the following information is available for each Node in which information was
collected for this log collection:
The name of the system from which logs were collected.System
The component or node type from which logs were collected.Node
The name of the Log Collection and the Log Group.Log Collection - Log Group
The status of the request.Status
Ready signifies that the log can be downloaded.
In progress signifies that the log collection has not completed.
Failed indicates that there was an error and the log collection attempt failed.
To Download Collected Logs
Collected logs can only be viewed after downloading to your local machine; they cannot be
viewed from within Support Tools.
To download collected logs:
Step 1
Check the Select check box for the collection whose logs you want to view. You can only
download the logs from one collection at a time. If necessary, before proceeding, verify that
the collection's status is Ready (complete).
Cisco Support Tools User Guide for Cisco Unified Software Release 2.1(1)
Chapter 11: Using Support Tools Utilities from the Dashboard
How to Use the Log Collections Screen