To Access RM from the Dashboard
To run RM from the Support Tools Dashboard:
Step 1
In the Arguments field, enter desired arguments, as described in the Using section below.
Note: When entering arguments, the RM command is already implied. Do not enter it in the
Arguments field.
Step 2
Specify the command duration time or accept the default (60 seconds). This is the amount of
time the command will attempt to run before terminating.
Step 3
If desired, check Elevate Command Priority. This ensures the command will run regardless of
the level of server activity.
Step 4
Click the Run button.
Using RM - Command Line Options
rm [ -firv? ] file ...
The options for RM are:
-i: ask for confirmation before removing each file.
-f: remove the file, don't ask for confirmation even if it is marked Read-Only.
-r: recursively delete all of the files and subdirectories specified by the filename, including the
named directory.
-v: print out the name of each file that is removed.
-?: Display program description.
• If the environment variable RM exists, its value is used to establish default options.
• You can override an option that was specified in the environment variable by following the
option with a minus '-' sign. For example, to turn off the -I option, specify -I-.
Route -PRINT
Note: This tool can be used in both Interactive Mode and Batch Mode. For details on scheduling
this tool to run in batch mode see Using Batch Mode.
Use the Route -print utility to view the contents of the network routing tables.
Cisco Support Tools User Guide for Cisco Unified Software Release 2.1(1)
Chapter 14: - Using 3rd Party Common Tools
Route -PRINT