Note: When entering arguments, the ctitest command is already implied. Do not enter it in
the Arguments field.
Step 4
Specify the command duration time or accept the default (60 seconds). This is the amount of
time the command will attempt to run before terminating.
Step 5
If desired, check Elevate Command Priority. This ensures the command will run regardless of
the level of server activity.
Step 6
Click the Run button.
To Access CTITest from a Command Line on a Node
From a command-line on a CTIOS PG, you can access CTITest from any location on the local
physical drive. For example:
Using CTITest - Configuring
Starting CTITest requires:
The CTI Server (PG) IP address
The socket number
The agent ID and login information
Note: In addition to ctitest.exe, trace dll (icrmsgs.dll) is also located in the <icm_root>\bin
directory. Because icrmsgs.dll is an active services file, it is recommended that these two files
be copied into separate directory.
Step 1
Set up a profile which consists of settings used as input to CTITest. To initiate a new profile,
start the CTITest with the following command: c:\abc\>ctitest /p <profile name>
Step 2
Configure the CTI Server and socket where the CTITest connects to:
1. Configuring Side A CTI Server: Run the following command to configure the CTI Server
Side A for the CTITest.
c:\abc\>ctitest: config /hostA <ctiserver_hostnameA> /portA
2. Configuring Side B CTI Server: Run the following command to configure the CTI Server
Side B for the CTITest if you have a duplex configuration.
Cisco Support Tools User Guide for Cisco Unified Software Release 2.1(1)
Chapter 13: - Using Cisco Common Tools
How to Use the CTITest Utility