In parenthesis is length of time the process has been in current state.Up-Time
Status Output: Peripheral
The third section labeled Peripheral in column 1, shows the status for third party peripherals
such as ACD and VRU devices.
Peripheral is the name of the peripheral (ACD or VRU) as defined in Configure ICR.
03/17 16:00:40 (2 sec)COS 03/17 04:42:38 (11.3 hr)CA_PG9
03/17 16:00:40 (2 sec)COS 03/11 10:30:18 (6.2 day)FL_PG7
03/17 16:00:41 (1 sec)COS 03/16 06:21:18 (33.6 hr)GA_PG6
03/17 16:00:40 (2 sec)COS 03/11 11:29:30 (6.1 day)IA_PG5
03/17 16:00:41 (1 sec)COS 03/11 16:31:42 (5.9 day)NY_PG3
03/17 16:00:34 (8 sec)COS 03/11 16:37:53 (5.9 day)TX_PG4
03/17 16:00:41 (1 sec)COS 03/13 22:18:40 (3.7 day)VA_PG1
03/17 16:00:41 (1 sec)COS 03/16 23:31:33 (16.4 hr)VB_PG2
Within the Status Peripheral output, LastStateChange contains these fields:
Signifies the peripheral is configured correctly to communicate with the
ICM peripheral gateway.
Signifies the peripheral is online, for example, communications have
been established with the ICM peripheral gateway.
Signifies that the peripheral is in service, for example, agent and call
data are sent to the ICM peripheral gateway.
Current date.Date
Current local time.Time
In parenthesis is length of time the process has been in current state.Up-Time
Cisco Support Tools User Guide for Cisco Unified Software Release 2.1(1)
Chapter 13: Using Cisco Common Tools
How to Use the RTTest Utility