Section 3: Interface Specifications
SATO M10e Service Manual PN: 9001113A Page 3-4
The High Speed Serial Interface is a Plug-In Interface Module that can be installed in the printer
by the user.
Asynchronous ASCII Half-duplex communication
Ready/Busy Hardware Flow Control
Pin 20, DTR Control
Pin 4, RTS Error Condition
X-On/X-Off Software Flow Control
Bi-Directional Communication
Data Transmission Rate 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600 bps
Character Format 1 Start Bit (fixed)
7 or 8 data bits (selectable)
Odd, Even or No Parity (selectable)
1 or 2 Stop bits (selectable)
Connector DB-25S (Female)
Cable DB-25P (Male), 50 ft. maximum length.
For cable configuration, refer to Cable
Requirements appropriate to the RS232C protocol chosen.
Signal Levels High = +5V to +12V, Low = -5V to -12V
NOTE: Pin assignments begin with one (1) in the upper right corner and
descend to thirteen (13) in the upper left corner. Pin number fourteen (14)
picks up in the lower right corner and descends to twenty-five (25) in the
lower left.
1 Reference FG (Frame Ground)
2 To Host TD (Transmit Data) - Data from the printer to the host computer. Sends X-On/
X-Off characters or status data (bi-directional protocols).
3 To Printer RD (Receive Data) - Dataa to the printer from the host computer.
4 To Host RTS (Request to Send) - Used with Ready/Busy flow control to indicate an
error condition. RTS is high and remains high unless the print head is open (in
this case, RTS would return to the high state after the print head is closed and
the printer is placed back on-line) or an error condition occurs during printing
(e.g., ribbon out, label out).
5 To Printer CTS (Clear to Send) - When this line is high, the printer assumes that data is
ready to be transmitted. The printer will not receive data when this line is low. If
this line is not being used, it should be tied high (to pin 4).
6 To Printer DSR (Data Set Ready) - When this line is high, the printer will be ready to
receive data. This line must be high before data is transmitted. If this line is not
being used, it should be tied high (to pin 20).
7 Reference SG (Signal Ground)