Indicates thebattery strength of
the cellularphone.
! The levelshown on theindica-
tor maydiffer from the actual
battery strength.
! If theb attery strength isnot
available, nothingis displayed
in thebattery strength indica-
tor area.
Indicates thatthe connected
Bluetooth devicesupports both
Bluetooth telephone and
Bluetooth audio.
Indicates thatthe connected
Bluetooth deviceonly supports
Bluetooth telephone.
Indicates thatthe connected
Bluetooth deviceonly supports
Bluetooth audio.
Shows thedisc title ofthe CD text
disc currentlybeing played.
Shows thesong title whenreceiv-
ing thetag information.
Shows thetrack title ofthe track
currently beingplayed for CDtext
Shows thesong title ofthe song
currently beingplayed for MP3/
WMA/AAC files.
Shows thecomment currently
being played.
Shows thestation name currently
tuned into.
Shows theartist name whenre-
ceiving thetag information.
Shows theartist name of thetrack/
song currentlybeing played forCD
text discs.
Shows theartist name of theartist
currently beingplayed for MP3/
WMA/AAC files.
Shows cellularphone information.
Shows generalphone information.
Shows homephone information.
Shows officephone information.
Shows otherphone information.
Shows thecomposer name.
Shows thecategory name.
Shows thefolder name ofthe
folder containingthe MP3/WMA/
AAC filecurrently being played.
Shows thefile name ofthe MP3/
WMA/AAC filecurrently being
Shows thepreset number ofthe
station currentlybeing tuned into.
Shows thechannel currently being
tuned into.
Shows SIRIUSinformation.
Shows thetitle number currently
being played.
Shows thechapter number cur-
rently beingplayed.
Shows thereplay time currently
being played.
Additional information
Additional information