Page 16 - 16 Xerox Document Centre System Administration Guide
Releasing a Secure Print Job at the Document Centre
1. Go to the Document Centre control panel and press the Job
Status pathway button.
2. Find your document on the list of All Incomplete Jobs. Press
the name until it highlights, which selects the job.
3. On the screen that appears, press Delete to delete the job or
press Release to release the job for printing.
4. The touch screen will display a password prompt.
5. With the keypad, enter the four digit code you used when you
submitted the job from your Web Browser then, on the touch
screen press the Enter button.
6. Your job will print.
Releasing a Proof Print Job at the Document Centre
1. Go to the Document Centre and retrieve the first copy of your
job. Review the copy to be sure it printed as desired.
2. At the control panel press the Job Status pathway button.
3. Find your document on the list of All Incomplete Jobs. Press
the name until it highlights, which selects the job.
4. On the screen that appears, press Delete to delete the job if it is
not printed as desired or press Release to release the job for
5. The Document Centre will print the number of copies of your
job that you selected in the Web Browser.