7 CentreWare Internet Services
File File
Displays the defined scan file repository.
Edit Displays a page where you can set a new scan file
repository or edit an existing repository.
Filing Policy
Specify the filing policy for saving a new file when a file of
the same name already exists in the file repository.
• Rename New File – Adds a three-digit number from
001 to 999 to the name of the new file. File names
increment sequentially when additional documents of
the same name are scanned.
• Append to Existing File – Adds a newly scanned file to
the existing file.
• Overwrite Existing File – Overwrites the previously
scanned file with the new file.
• Do not Save – Does not save the new file if a file with
the same name already exists.
• Add Date to Name – Adds the current date to the name
of the new file.
File Destination
Select the desired file repository from the list of file
repositories set in [Properties] > [Network Scanning] >
[File Repository Setup].
Displays the filing protocol set in [Properties] > [Network
Scanning] > [File Repository Setup].
Host Name/IP Address & Port
Displays the host name/IP address and port number of
the filing protocol set in [Properties] > [Network Scanning]
> [File Repository Setup].
Document Path
Displays the path to the file repository set in [Properties]
> [Network Scanning] > [File Repository Setup].
Login Name
Displays the login name set in [Properties] > [Network
Scanning] > [File Repository Setup].
Field Name,
Field Label,
Default Value
Displays the meta data attributes for the job template.
This setting is optional.
Add Displays the [Add Document Management Field] page
where you can add field names, labels, and default
values, and specify whether the fields are editable or not.
Edit Select an existing field and click this button to make
changes to the field.
Delete Select an existing field and click this button to delete the
Feature Description