Fault Codes
016-554 An Authentication Agent error occurred. The login name or password for
obtaining domain user information was not correct. Enter the correct login name
and password.
016-555 A timeout occurred while Authentication Agent was to be connected to the
database or to Active Directory. Check if Authentication Agent is able to be
connected to the database or to Active Directory. For more details, refer to the
manual provided with Authentication Agent.
016-556 A timeout occurred, because the database connected to Authentication Agent
was overloaded. Wait for a while, and then try again. If the problem persists,
check the status of Authentication Agent. For more details, refer to the manual
provided with Authentication Agent.
016-557 An error occurred on Authentication Agent. Check the status of Authentication
Agent. For details, refer to the manual provided with Authentication Agent.
016-558 The machine received an unknown error from Authentication Agent. Contact the
Xerox Welcome Center.
016-559 A Remote Download parameter error occurred. Check if the parameters used to
access the Remote Download server, are set correctly.
016-560 A communication error occurred between Authentication Agent and the
machine. Check the network cable connection and Authentication Agent
settings. Also print a Configuration Report, and if a DNS address is set under
“Server Name/IP Address”, check if the DNS server is working.
016-562 The database for temporary users on Active Directory or Authentication Agent
stores multiple entries with the same IC card information. Modify the entries so
that the temporary user information is not duplicated in the database.
016-564 A Remote Download server authentication error occurred. Check the login
name and password to access the Remote Download server. If the problem
persists, contact the Xerox Welcome Center.
016-569 An error occurred on Authentication Agent. Contact the Xerox Welcome Center.
016-570 The job ticket memory space is not sufficient. Increase the memory space in the
System Administration mode, reboot the machine, and then submit a job.
016-571 The job ticket contains invalid parameter values. Correct the parameter values,
and then submit a job.
016-572 The paper type, size, weight, or color specified in the job ticket is not supported
by the machine.
016-573 The machine could not parse syntax in the job ticket. Check if the application
that generated the job ticket is correctly installed and working. Also check if the
version of the application is compatible with the machine.
016-574 The machine failed to transfer data via FTP using the Scan to PC service
because the host or server name of the FTP server could not be resolved.
Check the connection to the DNS server. Check if the FTP server name is
registered correctly on the DNS server.
016-575 The machine failed to transfer data via FTP using the Scan to PC service
because the DNS server address was not registered. Specify the correct DNS
server address. Or, specify the destination FTP server using its IP address.
Code Description and Remedy