Pioneer P4200UB Car Stereo System User Manual

! This functioncannot beoperated when thecellu-
lar phoneis notconnected ornot registered.
! This functioncannot beoperated when aBlue-
tooth telephoneis connectedvia HSP (headset
1 PushM.C. upor downto select anitem.
Phone book(phone book)Missed calls(missed
call history)Dialed calls(dialledcall history)
Received calls(received callhistory)Dial pre-
set (presetphone numbers)All clear(delete all
! If youwant toclear allthe Phone Book,
dialled/received/missed callhistory listand
preset phonenumber,select All clear.
! If guestphone isconnected tothis unit via
Bluetooth wirelesstechnology,Phone book
cannot beselected.
2 PushM.C. rightto determine theitem thatyou
want todelete fromthis unit.
Clear memoryYES isdisplayed. Clearing mem-
or y is nowon standby.
! If youdo notwant toclear the memory that
you haveselected, pushM.C. left. Thedisplay
reverts tonormal.
3 PressM.C. toclear thememory.
Cleared isdisplayed anddata onthe selected
item iscleared fromthis unitsmemory.
Number dial(making acall byentering phone num-
! This functioncannot beoperated when thecellu-
lar phoneis notconntected.
! This functioncannot beoperated when aBlue-
tooth telephoneis connectedvia HSP (headset
! Be sureto parkyour vehicle andapply the parking
brake whenperformingthis operation.
1 PushM.C. upor downto select anumber.
2 PushM.C. leftor right tomove thecursor tothe
previous ornext position.
Up to24 digitscan beentered.
3 When youfinish enteringthe number,press M.C.
4 PressM.C. tomake aca ll.
5 Toend thecall, pushM.C. down.
Refuse calls(automatic rejecting)
! This functioncannot beoperated when aBlue-
tooth telephoneis connectedvia HSP (headset
1 PressM.C. toturn automatic callrejection onor
Auto answer(automatic answering)
1 PressM.C. toturn automatic answeringon oroff.
Ring tone(ring toneselect)
1 PressM.C. toturn thering tone onor off.
Auto connect(automatic connection toa phone)
1 PressM.C. toturn automatic connectionon or
If yourcellular phone isready forBluetooth wire-
less connection,connection tothis unitis auto-
matically established.
Echo cancel(echo canceland noise reduction)
1 PressM.C. toturn echocancelingon oroff.
Device info.(BD (Bluetoothdevice) address display)
Referto Device info.(BD (Bluetoothdevice) address
display) onpage 20.
Using the phone book
Be sure to park your vehicle and apply the park-
ing brake when performing this operation.
After finding the number you want to call in
the phone book, you can select the entry and
make the call.
1 Press
(list) to display the Phone
Phone bookMissed callDialled callRe-
ceived call
2 Push M.C. left or right to select the first
letter of the name you are looking for.
3 Press M.C. to display entries.
The display shows the first three Phone Book
entries starting with that letter (e.g. Ben,
Brianand Burt when Bis selected).
4 Push M.C. up or down to select a Phone
Book entry you want to call.
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