Technical Specification
Reference Guide: TT128x High Definition Professional Receiver/Decoder Page B-13
Parameter Specification
QPSK LDPC FEC rates 1/2, 3/5, 2/3, 3/4, 4/5, 5/6, 8/9. 9/10
8PSK, LDPC FEC rates 3/5, 2/3, 3/4, 5/6, 8/9, 9/10
LDPC FEC Frame length Normal
Pilot tones Automatic detection
Symbol rate range Rs = 5 to 31 MSymbol/s
Symbol rate step 1 Symbol/s
Symbol rate lock range ± 100 ppm
Maximum Channel bit rate 90 Mbit/s
Maximum user bit rate 81 Mbit/s
Es/No (C/No) ratio See Table B.15
Constellation Output
Availability TT1280/HWO/DVBS2/IF/CONST only
Safety status SELV
Number of outputs 2 (I & Q)
Output connector type BNC, female 75 Ω
Output impedance 75 Ω
DVB-S Phase noise tolerance
SSB phase-noise power spectral density < -68 – 10*log(Rs/20) dBc/Hz
at δF = 10 kHz offset
Phase noise power spectral density of the form C – 20*Log(δF)
δF = Frequency offset from carrier
Rs = Symbol-rate (Msymbol/s)
DVB-S2 Phase noise tolerance
-25 dBc/Hz at δF = 100 Hz
-50 dBc/Hz at δF = 1 kHz
-73 dBc/Hz at δF = 10 kHz
-93 dBc/Hz at δF = 100 kHz
-103 dBc/Hz at δF = 1 MHz
-114 dBc/Hz at δF > 10 MHz
LNB power and control See Table B.16
Table B.14 shows the Eb/No requirements for DVB-S and Table B.15 for
DVB-S2 Es/No requirements to ensure error free demodulation for all
supported FEC rates.
Table B.14: DVB-S2 Satellite Receiver Input – DVB-S Eb/No Ratio
Convolutional FEC Rate Eb/No Ratio (dB) in IF Loop for correct MPEG-2 system
1/2 4.5
2/3 5.0
3/4 5.5
5/6 6.0
7/8 6.4
Enabling this feature disables output transport stream and renders the receiver unable to decode a service.
Operational for DVB-S2 modes only.
These specifications apply in the presence of thermal noise at the threshold Eb/N
ratio given in Table B.14
These specifications apply in the presence of thermal noise at the threshold Es/No ratio given in XXXX and assume a
degradation to the thermal noise performance of 0.3 dB.