DX-700 • User’s Guide • Rev 02 139
4. Operation
DX-700 Management Menu Operations
Use the following steps to view status for each system input, output and tile:
1. From the Home Menu, press {DX-700 Management} to display the DX-700
Management Menu.
2. Press {Status} to display the DX-700 Status Menu.
3. Press {Patterns} to display the Test Pattern Status Menu.
Figure 4-74. Test Pattern Status Menu (sample)
For each bank, this menu shows the On/Off mode, the Raster Box setting and the
Black setting for each input, output and attached tile. This information is provided
for troubleshooting purposes only — you cannot change the settings here.
• Press {Refresh} to update the menu if you made changes to these settings before
accessing the menu.
This concludes the
Test Pattern Status procedure.