
DX-700 • User’s Guide • Rev 02 89
4. Operation
Using the Setup Wizard
19. The Test Pattern Check Menu generates a rolling test pattern for all outputs.
Figure 4-18. Setup Wizard: Test Pattern Check Menu (sample)
Verify that the test pattern is moving smoothly, and if required, adjust the grid size
(in pixels).
~ Press {Yes} if the test pattern is moving smoothly. The Output Frame
Rate Menu appears. Please continue with step 22.
~ Press {No} if the pattern is not moving smoothly. The system returns to
Output Selection Menu, from which you must repeat or modify the
setup process. Please continue with step
20. The Display Layout Menu enables you to configure output groups (if desired),
provided that similar types of tiles were set up on two or more outputs. On the
menu itself, a group is referred to as a “
display,” which is essentially an array
comprised of two our more outputs, and which is treated as one by the system.
Please note:
~ If you do not want to group a particular output, select an arbitrary display
number (from 1 to 6), and set it’s output position as 1 (Horizontal) by 1
~ If you do want to group two or more outputs, select an arbitrary display
number (from 1 to 6), and set the desired Horizontal by Vertical array.
It is strongly recommended that you set up all of your outputs,
prior to accessing the
Display Layout Menu. If you return to
Output Selection Menu at any point by pressing
{Previous}, all group information for the bank is cleared.
Remember that if you group outputs, the assigned delay
mode (e.g., minimum or reduced) applies to the entire group.