
DX-700 • User’s Guide • Rev 02 187
Remote Commands
A query command is similar to the update command format except for the addition of a “?”
character (0x3f) following the command (no characters between command and “?”
character.) Each field in the command is delimited by a “|” character (0x7c.) The user will
use a single “\n” character (0x0a) to indicate End of Command to the DX-700.
<command>?|<param1>|<param2>| … <param n><end of command byte>
For example, the user would like to update the Monitor Output resolution to 1024x768 @
60. If the Monitor Output resolution command is MORES, and the command has a string
parameters, the command would be:
MORES | 1024x768 @60
... followed by a “\n” character.
To query the current Monitor Output resolution, the command would be:
... followed by a “\n” character.
Every command sent to the DX-700 will result, in the minimum, a 2 field response;
Success/error code.
Fields are delimited by a “|” character (0x7c). Two “\n” characters (0x0a) will be used to
indicate End of Response from the DX-700.
<command>|<error code>|<response1>|<response2>|….<response n>
The first field is the command that this particular response is for. The second field is the
error code. The first byte in the error code is a sign character. If the error code is positive (0
being a positive number), the ‘+’ character will be displayed. If the error code is negative,
the ‘-’ character will be displayed. In DX-700, positive numbers indicate that the command
has been successfully executed. Negative numbers indicate that an error occurred while
trying to process the command. The error codes are in an enumerated list and can be
shared with users to decode what the error codes mean.
If any fields exist after the error code, these fields correspond to the query response for the
command. Examples of error codes are listed below:
SCRPWR | +0000 (successful execution of command SCRPWR)
SCRPWR | -1954 (error # -1954 occurred on execution of command SCRPWR)
SCRPWR | -0800 (error # -800 occurred on execution of command SCRPWR)
A command sent to the DX-700 could generate an error for many reasons:
Command undefined
For current system state, command is not applicable
Command parameters invalid
~ One or more parameter value(s) out of bounds
~ Insufficient parameters (for example, need 3 params, only receive 2)
~ For current system state, parameter not applicable
For example: user would like to update the Monitor Output resolution to 1024x768 @ 60. If
the Monitor Output resolution command is MORES, the command would be:
MORES | 1024x768 @60