DX-700 • User’s Guide • Rev 02 73
4. Operation
Quick Function Reference
Adjust viewport settings Adjusting Viewport Settings 114
Adjust wall contrast
Using the Input Wizard 93
Adjust wall contrast
Managing LED 126
Adjust wall gamma
Using the Input Wizard 93
Adjust wall gamma
Managing LED 126
Adjust wall OSD
Managing LED 126
Adjust window settings
Adjusting Window Settings 112
Auto acquire the input
Adjusting Viewport Settings 114
Calibrate the display
Using the Front Panel Display Adjustments Menu 145
Change the canvas orientation
Refreshing the Canvas Size 160
Change IP address
Using the Ethernet Menu 142
Change monitor video
Using the Monitor Output Menu 150
Change Z-Order
Changing Z-Order 110
Check the firmware version
Using the DX-700 Status Menu 138
Control the DX-700
Controlling the DX-700 76
Delay processing pre-selection
Pre-selecting the Delay Mode 159
Delete a single preset
Delete a Preset 106
Delete all presets
Delete All Presets 106
Display a single output on the monitor
Using the Monitor Output Menu 150
Display an input test pattern
Adjusting Window Settings 112
Display Fiberlink properties
Managing Fiberlink Settings 130
Display monitor raster box
Using the Monitor Output Menu 150
Display monitor test patterns
Using the Monitor Output Menu 150
Display output raster box
Using the Test Pattern Menu 148
Display output test patterns
Using the Test Pattern Menu 148
Display the canvas (bank) on the monitor
Using the Monitor Output Menu 150
Display wall internal test patterns
Managing LED 126
Enable a color key
Adjusting Color Effects 120
Force display power on/off
Forcing the Display 133
Freeze an input
Adjusting Video Effects 119
Generate Fiberlink receiver test patterns
Managing Fiberlink Settings 130
Generate Fiberlink transmitter test patterns
Managing Fiberlink Settings 130
Group outputs
Using the Setup Wizard 80
Table 4-1. DX-700 Quick Function Reference Table (Continued)
How to: Use the Following: Page