20 DX-700 • User’s Guide • Rev 02
About the DX-700
The following topics are discussed in this section:
• Introduction to the Canvas
• Introduction to the Wizards
• Sample DVI Output Module Configurations
• Sample NNI Output Module Configurations
The DX-700 processor enables you to set up video walls, and define input sources and
LED outputs with precision. The DX-700's input and output modules are configured into
"banks," consisting of one or more input modules, and either one or two output modules.
Each bank enables you to combine inputs and outputs into independent video processors,
capable of driving one or more LED walls. Refer to the “Understanding Banks
” section on
page 24 for additional information on banks.
The DX-700's overall workspace is called the "canvas," the region in which you configure
inputs and outputs. Each bank provides a maximum canvas size of 2048 x 1080 pixels (or
1080 x 2048 pixels). By default, the canvas appears as a black background in both the
LED and monitor outputs.
Figure 1-1. DX-700 Canvas Examples
Within the canvas, you can place up to six output regions, provided that the selected bank
includes two output modules. For input flexibility, you can scale input sources to fit LED
outputs precisely, or you can select just a portion of an input to fit a wall.
Output modules are extremely versatile:
• Each module’s three outputs can be driven independently — each connected to a
different type of LED wall.
• Two or more outputs can be grouped together, in order to form a larger overall
video wall comprised of the same type of tiles.
2048 pixels