DX-700 • User’s Guide • Rev 02 157
4. Operation
DX-700 Management Menu Operations
4. In the Sync Source section, select the desired master genlock source. Three
options are available:
~ If Freerun is selected, the system immediately locks to the DX-700’s
internal timing generator, and the
Freerun Rate section is activated.
• Select a freerun frame rate using the radio buttons, or set a
custom rate.
• Please continue with step
~ If Input is selected, focus jumps to one of your input modules.
• Select an input module and an associated input connector.
• Please continue with step
~ If Ext Genlock is selected, focus jumps to the Genlock connector on the
System Module, and the system immediately locks to external sync.
Please continue with step
5. When Input is selected (in step 4), focus jumps to one of your input modules. To
set an input as the master genlock source, select an input card to display the
Genlock Input Connector Selection Menu. This menu displays a graphic of the
selected input module.
~ If the system detects sync for an input, its button is active.
~ If the system does not detect sync, the button is inactive.
~ If you connect an input source to the module at this point, press
{Refresh} to re-draw the screen with new (updated) button status.
6. Select the input connector that you want to set as the master. The system
immediately locks to the input and returns to the
Master Sync Menu.
7. To sync an output to the selected master input, use the Bank Sync Menu. Refer
to the “
Setting Genlock Using the Bank Sync Menu” on page 153 for details.
8. When complete, press {Previous} to return to the Master Sync Menu, or press
{Home} to return to the Home Menu.
This completes the
Master Sync Rate selection procedure. Please note the following
important points regarding master sync:
• When you select a new Master Sync source and the signal is not present, the
system switches back to the previously selected Master Sync source.
• The DX-700 monitors the Master Sync signal periodically. If the selected Master
signal is invalid, the system automatically switches the sync source to Freerun.
• The system supports genlocking to an interlaced HD-SDI/SDI input source.