DX-700 • User’s Guide • Rev 02 201
DX-700 Remote Command List
• Description: Returns the string “DX-700” and its serial number and MAC
• Set format: n/a
• Query format: WHOAREYOU?
• Query returns: DX-700 | Num | MAC
• Parameters:
~ DX-700: The string “DX-700”
~ Num: Serial Number of the DX-700
~ MAC: MAC Address
DX-700 | 101 | 00:04:a5:10:10:d1
• Description: Terminates the user interface connection. Currently useful for TCP
Ethernet communication only.
• Set format: CLOSE
• Query format: n/a
• Description: When the command is sent without any parameters, the system will
return the number of Banks available in the system. When the command is sent
with a parameter, the parameter indicates which Bank the user would like to
query. The system will then return the number of Input(s) and Output(s) available
in the system and the type of Output module.
• Set format: n/a
• Query format 1: BANK?
• Query returns: BankNum
• Parameters:
~ BankNum: Number of Banks available in the system
S Example: BANK?
• Query format 2: BANK? BankNum
• Query returns: InputNum | OutputNum | OutType
• Parameters:
~ InputNum: Number of Inputs available in the specified Bank
~ OutputNum: Number of Outputs available in the specified Bank
~ OutType: Type of Output in the Bank (1 = DVI, 2 = NNI)
S Example: BANK? | 1
1 | 2 | 1