DX-700 • User’s Guide • Rev 02 217
Laser Safety
The Fiberlink NNI Transmitter and Receiver modules use a Class I laser, which employs
an invisible infra-red laser beam. Although Class 1 lasers typically do not pose a hazard,
you should always exercise caution when handling devices that use lasers. Please review
the following important safety information:
• Laser beams can be very hazardous, particularly for the eye — because the
beams have high optical intensities even after travelling long distances.
• Laser radiation can be focused to a small spot on the retina, where it can cause
serious and
permanent damage within a fraction of a second.
• Even low power lasers can be hazardous to your eyesight. A person exposed to
laser radiation (especially invisible radiation) may be unaware that damage is
• Eye damage may occur if you stare directly at the active fiber end, or observe the
fiber via a microscope. Prior to inspection,
always ensure that fibers are
disconnected (at both ends) or that the laser source is turned off.
• Infrared lasers are particularly hazardous, since the body's protective "blink reflex"
response is triggered only by visible light. If your eye is damaged, you may not
feel pain or notice immediate damage to your eyesight.
Never look directly into the Fiber Optic Connector of a
Fiberlink NNI module, when the unit is powered.
Never look
directly into an un-capped end of a fiber optic cable.