
190 DX-700 • User’s Guide • Rev 02
DX-700 Remote Command Table
The table below lists DX-700 remote commands.
Table B-1. DX-700 Remote Commands
Command Description Page
BANK When sent without any parameters, system returns number of Banks available 201
CLOSE Terminates the user interface connection 201
DISCOVERY A method used by external user interfaces to detect all network DX-700 systems 200
FIBERFILTER Set Fiberlink Reconstruction Filter 195
FIBERFIRM Query Fiberlink firmware version 197
FIBERKEYREF Set Fiberlink Key Reference 195
FIBERPCB Query Fiberlink PCB ID 196
FIBERRTIME Query Fiberlink runtime 197
FIBERRXPWR Turn on/off all Fiberlink Rx connected to the output ID 194
FIBERSN Query Fiberlink serial number 196
FIBERSOFT Query Fiberlink software version 197
MOBANK Set / Query the current Bank that Monitor Output is displaying 198
MORES Set / Query the Monitor Output Resolution. 198
MSAVE Save Monitor Output Setting 198
PSCALL Recalls a single preset indicated by the preset name to the bank 199
PSNUM Gets the total number of presets currently being stored by the DX-700 199
PSPRN Display a space separated list of all Presets saved in the system 199
PTRANS Select/Query the Preset Transition type 200
SCRPWR Turn on/off all devices connected to specified output ID 191
WALLCONTR Set / Query the wall (digital) contrast 191
WALLGAMMA Set / Query wall gamma 192
WALLOSD Set wall OSD 193
WALLOSDLIST? Returns the OSD type list (OSD’s string name list) 194
WHOAREYOU Returns the string “DX-700”, its serial number and MAC Address 201