• Poisson Cumulative Distribution 5(DIST) 6( g) 1(POISSON) 2(Pcd)
Poisson Cumulative Distribution determines the sum of
probabilities (cumulative probability) that
x, in the Poisson
p(x), will fall within a range specified from a
Lower value to an Upper value.
Calculation Result Output Examples
When a list is specified When variable (
x ) is specified
• There is no graphing for Poisson Cumulative Distribution.
• Inverse Poisson Cumulative Distribution
5(DIST) 6( g) 1(POISSON) 3(InvP)
Inverse Poisson Cumulative Distribution calculates
the minimum number of trials of a Poisson cumulative
probability distribution for specified values.
Calculation Result Output Examples
When a list is specified When variable (
x ) is specified
• There is no graphing for Inverse Poisson Cumulative Distribution.