6. Variable Data (VARS) Menu
To recall variable data, press J to display the variable data menu.
{ V-WIN } / { FACTOR } / { STAT } / { GRAPH } / { DYNA } / { TABLE } / { RECURSION } / { EQUATION } /
{ FINANCE } / { Str }
• Note that the EQUATION and FINANCE items appear for function keys ( 3 and 4) only
when you access the variable data menu from the Run-Matrix or Program mode.
• The variable data menu does not appear if you press J while binary, octal, decimal, or
hexadecimal is set as the default number system.
• For details about the commands included on the variable data (VARS) menu, see the “ J
key” item in the “ Program Mode Command List” (page 8-51).
u V-WIN — Recalling V-Window values
• { X } / { Y } / { T, Ƨ } ... { x -axis menu}/{ y -axis menu}/{T, Ƨ menu}
{ R-X } / { R-Y } / { R-T, Ƨ } ... { x -axis menu}/{ y -axis menu}/{T, Ƨ menu} for right side of Dual
• { min } / { max } / { scale } / { dot } / { pitch } ... {minimum value}/{maximum value}/{scale}/{dot
The dot value indicates the display range (Xmax value – Xmin value) divided by the
screen dot pitch. The dot value is normally calculated automatically from the
minimum and maximum values. Changing the dot value causes the maximum to be
calculated automatically.
u FACTOR — Recalling zoom factors
• { Xfct }/{ Yfct } ... { x -axis factor}/{ y -axis factor}
u STAT — Recalling statistical data
• { X } … {single-variable, paired-variable x -data}
• {
n } / { ¯ x } / { Σ x } / { Σ x
} / { Ʊx } / { sx } / { minX } / { maxX } ... {number of data}/{mean}/{sum}/{sum
of squares}/{population standard deviation}/{sample standard deviation}/{minimum
value}/{maximum value}
{ Y } ... {paired-variable y -data}
• {
Κ } / { Σ y } / { Σ y
} / { Σ xy } / { Ʊy } / { sy } / { minY } / { maxY } ... {mean}/{sum}/{sum of squares}/{sum
of products of x -data and y -data}/{population standard deviation}/{sample standard
deviation}/{minimum value}/{maximum value}
{ GRAPH } ... {graph data menu}
• { a } / { b } / { c } / { d } / { e } ... regression coefficient and polynomial coefficients
• { r } / { r
} ... {correlation coefficient}/{coefficient of determination}
• { MSe } ... {mean square error}
• { Q
} / { Q
} ... {first quartile}/{third quartile}
• { Med } / { Mod } ... {median}/{mode} of input data
• { Start } / { Pitch } ... histogram {start division}/{pitch}