u Matrix Calculations Using the Matrix Editor
Selecting { 'MAT} on the function menu displays the Matrix Editor.
Matrix Editor operations and matrix calculations in the eActivity mode are the fundamentally
identical to those in the Run-Matrix
mode. For details about the Matrix Editor and matrix
calculation operations, see “Matrix Calculations” (page 2-41). Note, however, that eActivity
mode Matrix Editor operations and matrix calculations differ from those in the Run-Matrix
mode as described below.
• eActivity mode matrix memory is saved separately for each file. Matrix memory will be
different from those produced when called from a non-eActivity mode.
u List Calculations Using the List Editor
Selecting { 'LIST} on the function menu displays the List Editor.
List Editor operations in the eActivity mode are identical to those in the Statistics mode
(“Inputting and Editing a List”, page 3-1). This processing and calculations are fundamentally
the identical to those in the Run-Matrix
mode (“Manipulating List Data” on page 3-7,
“Arithmetic Calculations Using Lists” on page 3-13). Note, however, that eActivity mode List
Editor operations and list calculations differ from those in other modes as described below.
• The eActivity mode List Editor function menu provides only screen two of the Statistics
mode List Editor function menu.
• To return to the workspace screen from the List Editor in the eActivity mode, press J.
• In the eActivity mode, values for list memory is saved separately for each file. List memory
will be different from those produced when called from a non-eActivity mode.
k Inserting a Calculation Stop Line
Pressing w after you edit a calculation line on a workspace screen that contains multiple
calculation lines will cause all of the calculations following the edited line to be re-calculated.
Re-calculation can take quite a bit of time if there are a large number of calculation lines or
if some of the calculations are complex. Inserting a calculation stop line will stop the re-
calculation process at the point where the line is located.
u To insert a stop line
On the function menu, select {INSERT} and then {STOP} to insert a stop line above the
currently selected line or strip.