Solaris SFS Driver User Manual Page 118
label: assign-alpa
min: 0x0
current: 0x0
max: 0xef
default: 0x0
dynamic: no
desc: Assigns a preferred ALPA to the port. Only used in Loop topology.
label: adisc-support
min: 0
current: 1
max: 2
default: 1
dynamic: yes
desc: Sets the Fibre Channel ADISC login support level.
label: pm-support
min: 0
current: 1
max: 1
default: 1
dynamic: no
desc: Enables power management support.
parm_get <label>
Gets the value of a specified parameter in the driver.
emlxadm> parm_get adisc-support
label: adisc-support
min: 0
current: 1
max: 2
default: 1
dynamic: yes
desc: Sets the Fibre Channel ADISC login support level.
parm_set <label> <value>
Sets the value of a specified parameter in the driver. Only dynamic parameters can be set.
Example: This example sets a dynamic parameter:
emlxadm> parm_set adisc-support 2
label: adisc-support
min: 0
current: 2
max: 2
default: 1
dynamic: yes
desc: Sets the Fibre Channel ADISC login support level.
Example: This example attempts to set a static parameter:
emlxadm> parm_set network-on 1
emlxadm: EMLX_PARM_SET: Parameter (network-on) is not dynamic and cannot be
changed here.
** To make this change you must edit the /kernel/drv/emlxs.conf or **
** the /kernel/drv/emlx.conf file(s) and reboot the system. **
Note: To make this change permanent, you must edit the /kernel/drv/emlxs.conf file.