Solaris SFS Driver User Manual Page 13
Driver Parameters
• The emlxs.conf file contains all the parameters necessary to initialize the Solaris SFS driver.
In the emlx.conf file, all adapter-specific parameters have emlxsX-prefix (where X is the driver
instance number); e.g.setting emlxs0-link-speed=4 makes 4 the default link speed setting for the
zero instance of the driver. Changes to the emlxs.conf file require you to unload and reload the
• The lpfc.conf file contains all the parameters necessary to initialize the Solaris lpfc driver.
In the lpfc.conf file, all adapter-specific parameters have lpfcX-prefix (where X is the driver
instance number); e.g., setting lpfc0-lun-queue-depth= 20 makes 20 the default number of max-
imum commands which can be sent to a single logical unit (disk) for the zero instance of the lpfc
driver. Changes to the lpfc.conf file require you to unload and reload the driver.
• The HBAnyware utility reflects the Solaris SFS driver parameters.
The following table is a cross-reference of the Solaris SFS driver parameters and the corresponding or
related lpfc driver parameters. The values for the lpfc driver parameters and the Solaris SFS driver
parameters default to enable migration from the Solaris lpfc driver to the Solaris SFS driver.
Note: If you want to override a driver parameter for a single driver-loading session, you can
specify it as a parameter to the
modload command. For example: # modload /kernel/drv/
lpfc automap=0 (for 32-bit platforms) or modload/kernel/drv/sparcv9/lpfc automap=0 (for 64-
bit platforms). This will load Emulex's SCSI support driver with automap set to 0 for this
Note: If any of the default parameter values were changed, verify that this change will not
impact the migration before you migrate.