Solaris SFS Driver User Manual Page 33
Syntax: HBACMD setbeacon <wwpn> <state>
Description: Sets the current beacon status for the HBA specified by the WWPN. To set the current
beacon status for HBA 10:00:00:00:c9:2e:51:2e to off, type:
hbacmd setbeacon 10:00:00:00:c9:2e:51:2e 0
To set the current beacon status for HBA 10:00:00:00:c9:2e:51:2e to on, type:
hbacmd setbeacon 10:00:00:00:c9:2e:51:2e 1
Possible responses are:
Beacon State successfully set to On
Beacons State successfully set to Off
Unable to get Beacon state, error 1
Beaconing not supported on host or adapter
WWPN -The World Wide Port Name of the HBA whose beacon status you want to set. This HBA can be
either local or remote.
State - The new state of the beacon: 0 = beacon OFF, 1= beacon ON
Syntax: HBACMD posttest <wwpn>
Description: Runs the POST test on the HBA specified by the WWPN. Support for remote HBA is out-of-
band (Ethernet) only. To run the POST test for HBA 10:00:00:00:c9:2e:51:2e, type:
hbacmd posttest 10:00:00:00:c9:2e:51:2e
Sample response:
Running POST, polling for results.....
Power On Self Test Succeeded;time to execute = 8928 ms
WWPN - The World Wide Port Name of the HBA on which to run the POST test.
Syntax: HBACMD echotest <wwpn1> <wwpn2> <count> <StopOnError>
Description: Runs the echo test on the HBAs specified by the WWPN1 and WWPN2.
To run the echo test for HBA 10:00:00:00:c9:2e:51:2e, type:
hbacmd echotest 10:00:00:00:c9:2e:51:2e
10:00:00:00:c9:2e:51:45 10 1
Sample response:
Echo test: polling for results......
Echo test succeeded; time to execute = 53 ms.
WWPN1 - The World Wide Port Name of the originating HBA.
WWPN2 - The World Wide Port Name of the destination (echoing) HBA.
Note: Support for remote HBA is out-of-band (Ethernet) only. The EchoTest command will
fail if the target WWPN does not support the ECHO ELS command.