Solaris SFS Driver User Manual Page 23
Using the CLI Client
The CLI Client is a console application named hbacmd. Each time you run this application from the
command line, a single operation is performed.
The first parameter of this command is the requested operation. When the specified operation is
completed, the command prompt is displayed. Most operations retrieve information about an entity on
the SAN and display that information on the console.
Most of the CLI Client commands require one or more additional parameters that specify the nature of
the command. A parameter used by many hbacmd commands specifies the World Wide Port Name
(WWPN) of the HBA that is the target of the command. For example, the following command shows the
port attributes for the HBA with the specified WWPN:
/usr/sbin/hbanyware/hbacmd portattrib 10:00:00:00:c9:20:20:20
hbacmd can be run in out-of-band mode by making the first argument h=<host>. For example:
/usr/sbin/hbanyware/hbacmd h=cp-hp5670 listhbas
/usr/sbin/hbanyware/hbacmd h= listhbas
Syntax Rules
The syntax rules for the HBAnyware utility Command-Line Interface (hbacmd) are as follows:
• All commands and their arguments are NOT case sensitive.
• The requested operation must contain at least three characters, or as many as needed to
distinguish it from any other operation.
• Whenever a WWPN is specified, individual fields are separated by colons (:) or spaces ( ).
When using space separators, the entire WWPN must be enclosed in quotes (").
• All hbacmd inputs must be in hexadecimal format. The only exceptions are the cycle-counts
used in some of the diagnostic commands.
Out-of-Band Access
Out-of-band (OOB) access enables you to access HBAs via their IP-address or by the name of the host
on which they reside. Since HBAs may exist on a host but not be a part of a FC network, they will not
appear during normal in-band discovery. Thus, OOB access enlarges the number of HBAs that can be
queried or modified.
OOB access via hbacmd uses an additional parameter on the command line. The parameter must be
the first parameter in the list, coming immediately after hbacmd. The remaining parameters are those
documented for each operation.
The format of the OOB parameter is:
h={<IPAddress> | <host-name>}
Some examples are:
The following lists all HBAs running on the host with a specified IP address:
hbacmd h= listHBAs
Note: A local host cannot be accessed out-of-band.
Note: You can also access an in-band HBA via its OOB address.