Solaris SFS Driver User Manual Page 36
ID - Target WWPN if bindtype = P. Target WWNN if bindtype = N. Target D_ID if bindtype = D
scsibus - Bus number of SCSI device.
scsitarget - Target number of SCSI device.
Syntax: HBACMD RemoveAllPersistentBinding <wwpn>
Description: Removes all persisting bindings associated with the referenced HBA. To remove all
persistent bindings for 10:00:00:00:c9:21:5e:21, enter:
hbacmd removeallpersistentbinding 10:00:00:00:c9:21:5e:21
A sample response would be:
Remove All Persistent Binding for 10:00:00:00:c9:2e:51:2e
WWPN - The World Wide Port Name of the HBA for which all persistent bindings are to be removed.
This HBA can be either local or remote.
Syntax: HBACMD RemovePersistentBinding <wwpn> <bindtype> <ID> \
<scsibus> <scsitarget>
Description: Removes a persistent binding between a Fibre Channel target and a SCSI bus and target.
The binding to be removed can be to a target WWPN, target WWNN, or target D_ID. To remove, on
behalf of HBA 10:00:00:00:c9:2e:51:2e, the binding between target WWPN=20:00:00:d0:b2:00:30:40
and SCSI bus 1, target 3, enter:
hbacmd removepersistentbinding 10:00:00:00:c9:2e:51:2e P \
20:00:00:d0:b2:00:30:40 1 3
To remove, on behalf of HBA 10:00:00:00:c9:2e:51:2e, the binding between target D_ID=10101 and
SCSI bus 1, target 3, enter:
hbacmd removepersistentbinding 10:00:00:00:c9:2e:51:2e D \
10101 1 3
If there are no errors a response to the last example would be:
Remove Persistent Binding for 10:00:00:00:c9:2e:51:2e D \
10101 1 3
WWPN - The World Wide Port Name of the HBA for which a persistent binding is to be removed. This
HBA can be either local or remote.
bindtype - P = enable binding by WWPN. N = enable binding by WWNN. D = enable binding by D_ID.
ID - Target WWPN if bindtype = P. Target WWNN if bindtype = N. Target D_ID if bindtype = D.
scsibus - Bus number of SCSI device.
scsitarget - Target number of SCSI device.