Solaris SFS Driver User Manual Page 167
{0} ok " /pci@8,600000/lpfc@2" select-dev
{0} ok set-sfs-boot
{0} ok reset-all
e. Boot the system to the OS.
6. Define or designate an alternate boot drive for DAS boot through SFS and the Sun or Emulex
HBA. If the alternate boot drive is fabric-attached, configure the storage (by using a command
such as cfgadm -c configure <APID>).
7. Use the format command to identify the alternate boot drive and take note of its path because
will be used to boot from the added HBA.
8. Use the ufsdump and ufsrestore commands (see the Emulex Remote Boot Guide for SFS
Drivers) to create a fabric boot disk. Follow the instructions until complete.
9. Shut down the server and get to the ok prompt.
10. Issue the set-sfs-boot command to change the remaining Emulex HBAs device paths from
lpfc to emlx. Changes will not take effect until the system is reset.
{0} ok show-devs
{0} ok " /pci@8,600000/lpfc@2" select-dev
Space required
{0} ok set-sfs-boot
{0} ok unselect-dev
Repeat for each HBA in the system. Type reset-all, then boot the system to the OS.
11. Boot the new device:
• For a Sun-branded boot HBA:
{0} ok boot
• For an Emulex boot HBA:
{0} ok boot /pci@8,600000/emlx@2/fp@0,0/disk@w21000004cf720664,0:a
12. Use emlxdrv to migrate all supported lpfc-attached HBAs to emlxs.
13. Reconfigure all FC targets to your emlxs-attached HBAs.
14. Remove any HBAs that are not supported by emlxs (such as LP8000).
15. Uninstall lpfc: login as root or su to root, then type pkgrm lpfc.