Solaris SFS Driver User Manual Page 69
Setting Up Target/LUN Blocking Using sd.conf
The class keyword ("scsi") ensures that Solaris specifically probes all adapters controlled by all driver
that register themselves as class="scsi". The parent keyword ("lpfc") ensures that Solaris specifically
probes all adapters controlled by the lpfc driver for the specified targets and LUNS. The class and parent
keywords cause the SCSI layer to probe multiple adapters, even multiple adapters across multiple
drivers. This method limits the SCSI layer probing of targets and LUNs on an adapter-by-adapter basis.
This gives you control over which targets and LUNs are seen by each initiator (target/LUN blocking).
To set up target/LUN blocking using sd.conf:
1. Reboot the system with the adapter installed.
2. Check the output of dmesg(1M). This message displays in the following format:
NOTICE: Device Path for interface lpfcX:/pci@1f.0/pci@1/fibre-channel@3
3. Add entries to the sd.conf file in the following format:
name="sd" parent="lpfc" target=16 lun=0 hba="lpfcX";
No-Reboot Firmware Updates
Emulex is the only vendor providing dynamic adapter firmware updates during operation without
stopping I/O traffic. You can dynamically update host bus adapter firmware using the HBAnyware utility.
Refer to
Updating Firmware on page 55 for more information.
Loading or Unloading the Driver Without Rebooting
To load the driver without rebooting:
1. Load the driver using the modload command.
2. Use the cfgadm command to configure Emulex HBAs.
3. Restart I/O.
To unload the driver without rebooting:
1. Stop all I/O on the device.
2. Use the cfgadm command to disconnect Emulex HBAs.
3. Unload the driver using the modunload command.
Note: Where lpfcX is the interface for a specific adapter and /pci@1f.0/pci@1/fibre-
channel@3 is the device path for the specific adapter.
Note: This entry does not cancel the effect of any other parent="lpfc" or class="scsi" entries
for target=16 lun=0. If you want the SCSI layer to probe only for target=16 lun=0 on
device lpfcX, the parent="lpfc" or class="scsi" entries for target=16 lun=0 need to be
deleted. You can cause system problems if certain class="scsi" entries are deleted.
These entries are used by the SCSI adapter, so if there is a SCSI boot disk at
target=0 lun=0 whose probe entry has been deleted, the system won't boot. Similarly,
if any SCSI target's probe entry is deleted, that device won't operate. To guarantee
that the Fibre Channel and SCSI probing won't conflict, use persistent binding to
assign FC devices target numbers greater then 15. Persistent binding can be used to
perform target blocking but not LUN blocking.
Note: When the Solaris operating system is installed on a Fibre Channel drive, you must
reboot the system because you cannot quiesce all I/O on the OS drive.
Systems must support dynamic reconfiguration.