Solaris SFS Driver User Manual Page 24
If you don’t know the IP address, but you know the host name, type:
hbacmd h=cp-compaq8000 listHBAs
If the host is unreachable, the command will return an error.
CLI Client Command Reference
Syntax: HBACMD Version
Description: Shows the current version of the HBAnyware CLI client application. To view the version,
hbacmd version
Sample response:
HBAnyware Command Line Interface: Version 3.0
Parameters: None.
Syntax: HBACMD ListHBAs
Description: Shows a list of the discovered manageable Emulex HBAs and some of their attributes. The
list will contain one 6-attribute group for each discovered HBA. Example of an attribute group list:
Manageable HBA List
Port WWN: 10:00:00:00:c9:20:08:cc
Node WWN: 20:00:00:00:c9:20:08:cc
Fabric Name:10:00:00:60:69:90:0b:f6
Flags: 0000f900
Mfg: Emulex Corporation
Parameters: None.
Syntax: HBACMD SaveConfig <wwpn> <filename> <ctrlword>
Description: Saves the contents of the driver parameter list to a file for the specified HBA. The ASCII file
lists parameter definitions, delimited by a comma. Each definition is of the form:
Save either the values of the global set or those specific to the referenced HBA. The file created by this
command stores itself in the Emulex Repository directory.
hbacmd SaveConfig elxstor-5-1.20A0.dpv 10:00:00:00:c9:2e:51:2e N
Sample response:
HBACMD_SaveConfig: Success writing driver parameters to file
C:\Program Files\HBAnyware\Emulex Repository\elxstor-5-1.20A.dpv
WWPN - The World Wide Port Name of the HBA. This HBA can be either local or remote.
filename - The file name that will contain the driver parameter list upon successful completion of this
ctrlword - G = save the global parameter set. N = save the local (HBA-specific) parameter set.