Solaris SFS Driver User Manual Page 124
Using the emlxdrv Utility
The emlxdrv utility is used for binding (associating) the Emulex emlxs (Leadville FC) driver and the
Emulex lpfc (traditional non-Leadville FC) driver to the various models of Emulex FC HBAs. This allows
both drivers to coexist in the same host and attach to mutually exclusive Emulex FC HBA models. In
other words, the emlxs driver can be configured to attach and operate one set of HBA models, while the
lpfc driver can be configured to attach and operate a different set of HBA models. However, Solaris does
not allow both drivers to attach and operate the same model of HBA even if there are multiple HBAs of
that model present. If the driver binding configuration is changed, the host system must usually be
rebooted for the new configuration to take effect.
Modes of Operation (emlxdrv)
The emlxdrv utility program can be run in two modes:
• Interactive
Interactive Mode (emlxdrv)
Run the emlxdrv utility program in interactive mode by typing the name of the program without any
command line arguments:
# emlxdrv
After it is started, the emlxdrv program scans the host system and prepares a driver configuration table
consisting of bindings (associations) between the emlxs and lpfc drivers and a list of Emulex FC HBA
models. After the table is prepared, the utility displays the following:
EMLXDRV Driver Management Utility, Version 1.00k
COPYRIGHT © 2004-2006 Emulex. All rights reserved.
Driver Alias Present Boot Sun Models
- lpfs no no no LP8000S and LP9002S (SBUS)
- f800 no no no LP8000 and LP8000DC
lpfc f900 yes no no LP9002, LP9002C, LP9002DC, and LP9402DC
lpfc f980 no no no LP9802 and LP9802DC
emlxs fa00 yes no no LP10000, LP10000DC and LP10000ExDC
emlxs fd00 no no no LP11000 and LP11002
emlxs fe00 no no no LPe11000 and LPe11002
emlxs f0a5 no no no 2G Blade Adapter (emlxs only)
emlxs fc00 yes no yes LP10000-S and LP10000DC-S (emlxs only)
emlxs fc10 no no yes LP11000-S and LP11002-S (emlxs only)
emlxs fc20 no no yes LPe11000-S and LPe11002-S (emlxs only)
Available commands:
set_emlxs <Alias> - Sets emlxs driver to bind to the specified device(s)
set_emlxs_sun - Sets emlxs driver to bind to all Sun devices
set_emlxs_all - Sets emlxs driver to bind to all devices
set_lpfc <Alias> - Sets lpfc driver to bind to the specified device(s)
set_lpfc_nonsun - Sets lpfc driver to bind to all non-Sun devices
clear_dev <Alias> - Clears driver binding to the specified device(s)
clear_lpfc - Clears all lpfc driver bindings
clear_emlxs - Clears all emlxs driver bindings
clear_sun - Clears driver bindings to all Sun devices
clear_nonsun - Clears driver bindings to all non-Sun devices
clear_all - Clears driver bindings to all devices
q - Exits this program.