Solaris SFS Driver User Manual Page 34
Count - The number of times to run the test.
StopOnError - Should the test be halted on Error? 0 = no halt, 1 = halt
Syntax: HBACMD loopback <wwpn> <type> <count> <StopOnError>
Description: Runs the loop test on the HBA specified by the WWPN.
To run the loop test for HBA 10:00:00:00:c9:2e:51:2e, type:
hbacmd loopback 10:00:00:00:c9:2e:51:2e 1 10 0
Sample response:
Running Loopback: polling for results......
Loopback Test Failed; xmit errors = 3; rcv errors = 2; time to execute = 1015 ms.
WWPN - The World Wide Port Name of the HBA on which to run the loopback test(s).
Type -Type of loopback test where: 0 = PCI LoopBack Test, 1 = Internal LoopBack Test, 2 = External
LoopBack Test
Count - The number of times to run the test (Range = 1,...10000)
StopOnError - Should the test be halted on Error? 0 = no halt, 1 = halt
Syntax: HBACMD dump <wwpn>
Description: Runs the dump diagnostic retrieval command on the HBA specified by the WWPN. This
command is supported for local HBAs only. The file by default is located in:
To run the dump diagnostic retrieval command for HBA 10:00:00:00:c9:2e:51:2e, type:
hbacmd dump 10:00:00:00:c9:2e:51:2e
WWPN - The World Wide Port Name of the HBA on which to you want to run the dump.
Syntax: HBACMD deletedumpfiles <wwpn>
Description: Deletes all dump files associated with the HBA specified by the WWPN. To delete all dump
files for HBA 10:00:00:00:c9:2e:51:2e, type:
hbacmd deletedumpfiles 10:00:00:00:c9:2e:51:2e
Sample response:
HBACMD: Dump file deletion complete.
WWPN - The World Wide Port Name of the HBA whose dump files you want to delete.
Note: Only external Loopback tests must be run out-of-band.