Solaris SFS Driver User Manual Page 6
• Before installing the Emulex emlxu utilities package, you must completely install:
• The Sun StorEdge SAN Foundation Software package.
• All the recommended patches as described in the Sun StorEdge SAN Foundation Software
Installation Guide provided by Sun.
• The Emulex-Sun Fibre Channel adapter SUNWemlxs driver package.
To install the utilities kit using the emlxu_install script:
1. Untar the emlxu_kit-1.01c-<platform>.tar file.
tar xvf emlxu_kit-1.01c-<platform>.tar
The emlxu_install script is available.
2. Install the FCA Utilities by typing:
3. The script removes any earlier version of the emlxu utilities package. (If an earlier package is not
found, this fact is indicated; skip to step 9.) The following text is displayed:
<Removing old EMLXemlxu package>
4. If an old package is installed, you are prompted to remove it:
Do you want to remove this package? [y,n,?,q]
5. Enter y. The following message is displayed:
Removal of <EMLXemlxu> was successful.
6. The script expands the utilities kit .tar file and begins installing the new package. A message
similar to the following message will be displayed:
<Expanding emlxu_kit-1.01c-sparc.tar>
<Adding new package>
7. The script installs the emlxu utilities package. The package is prepared for installation and you
are prompted for confirmation by the following message:
Do you want to continue with the installation of <EMLXemlxu> [y,n,?]:
8. Enter y. The installation package provides running commentary on the installation process.
9. Examine the output for any errors or warnings. If the installation is successful, the following
message is displayed near the end of the process:
Installation of <EMLXemlxu> was successful.
10. The script performs some cleanup and displays the following messages:
<Cleaning directory>
<emlxu_install complete>
<Execute "emlxu_remove" when ready to uninstall>
11. The script leaves a copy of the emlxu_remove script in your working directory with the original
utilities kit tar file. You can remove this script, or leave it in the directory if you may want to
uninstall the emlxu utilities from your system in the future. See
Installing or Updating the Utilities
Package Manually
on page 9 for more details.
The emlxu utilities installation is complete. The utility package's programs are located in the
/opt/EMLXemlxu/bin directory.