Solaris SFS Driver User Manual Page 11
3. Remove the emlxu utilities package by typing:
4. The script locates the EMLXemlxu utilities package, and the following message is displayed:
<Removing EMLXemlxu package>
5. You are prompted to remove the package with the following message:
Do you want to remove this package? [y,n,?,q]
6. Enter y. The following message is displayed:
Removal of <EMLXemlxu> was successful.
7. The script performs some cleanup and displays the following message:
<Removing emlxu scripts>
<emlxu_remove complete>
The utilities package has been removed. If you want to install another version of the emlxu utilities
package, do so now by following the instructions in one of the following sections:
Installing or Updating the FCA Utilities Using the emlxu_install Script on page 5
Installing or Updating the Utilities Package Manually on page 9
For additional information on installing and removing packages, see the Solaris system administration
documentation and the pkgadd(1M) and pkgrm(1M) manual pages.
Removing the Utilities Package Manually
To remove the emlxu utilities package:
1. Remove the EMLXemlxu utilities package by typing:
pkgrm EMLXemlxu
2. You are prompted to confirm the removal by the following message:
Do you want to remove this package? [y,n,?,q]
3. Enter y. The package is prepared for removal, and you are prompted again for confirmation:
Do you want to remove this package? [y,n,?,q]
4. Enter y. The following message is displayed:
Removal of <EMLXemlxu> was successful.
The utilities package has been removed.
For additional information on installing and removing packages, see the Solaris system administration
documentation and the pkgadd(1M) and pkgrm(1M) manual pages.
Note: If no package is installed, the following message is displayed:
pkgrm: ERROR: no package associated with <EMLXemlxu>