Solaris SFS Driver User Manual Page 86
The system is a secure server in the ACG. It does not belong to an Access Sub-Group
(ASG). You can remove this system from the ACG.
The system is a secure server in the ACG and belongs to one or more ASGs. You can
remove this system from the ACG.
The system is a secure server in the ACG and a client to an ASG. You cannot remove this
system from the ACG until you remove it as a client from the ASG.
The system is a secure server in the ACG, a secure server in one or more ASGs and a client
to an ASG You cannot remove this system from the ACG until you remove it as a client from
the ASGs.
The system is a Backup Master. You cannot remove this system from the ACG until you
remove it as a Backup Master.
Adding a Server to the ACG
After you create the initial Access Control Group (ACG) on the Master Security Client (MSC), you may
want to add unsecured servers to the ACG.
To add servers to the ACG:
1. Start the HBAnyware Security Configurator.
2. On the Access Control Group tab, from the Available Servers list, select the unsecured servers
that you want to add to the ACG.
Figure 51: Security Configurator, The Access Group Control Tab with Call Outs
3. Click the left arrow to add the server to the Access Control Group Servers list.
4. Click OK or Apply.