3M™ MicroTouch™ Software MT 7 User Guide 43
3M Touch Systems, Inc. Proprietary Information – 25695M
• /usr/lib/xorg/modules/input or
• /usr/lib
• /etc/init.d or /etc/rc.d
• /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d or /etc/X11/xsessions.d
If your system does not have these directories you will need to edit the Install script as
discussed in the Other Options.
After installation completes, the MT 7 for Linux® software no longer requires write
access to these directories.
Normal Installation
Copy the tar.gz file into the directory where you want the package to reside, such as
/etc or /opt. Issue the command tar xzf twscreen.<version>.tar.gz
where <version> is a version number string of the tar.gz file. This creates the
directory twscreen in the current directory. From there, go into the twscreen directory
and issue the command ./Install. This script installs links in the Linux® and X
Windows system for your sensor to work with your system.
Installing on Write-Protected Systems
The MT 7 for Linux® software requires access to a writeable directory for runtime and
configuration data. By default, it uses a 'data' directory in the twscreen directory. If you
need to have the package in a read-only directory, then decide on a writeable directory
for the package to use. Edit the Install script and search for the line DataDir="".
Change the definition of DataDir to the writeable directory. Save the changes and run the
script. This creates the data directory where desired and creates a link in the package
directory to the data directory.
Other Options
The MT 7 for Linux® software should install without other changes on most Linux®
systems. However, if you have a customized directory structure or the installation script
fails, you may need to edit the Install script and change one or more of the following
script variables.
The MT 7 for Linux® X input module translates raw touch data from the touch driver
into the X Windows server display locations. Normally, the X server does this in two
steps, first reading the raw input data from the input module and then having the module
convert the coordinates as a second step. Some versions of the X.Org server code require
that the input module return only converted coordinates in the single read step. This
seems to apply only to early 1.4 versions of the server.
If you use this server, or if touch is inaccurate after calibration, change the
ConvertAtRead value to "true".
To determine the version of your X server, issue the command X -version.