Teklogix 8570 Vehicle-Mount Computer User Manual 63
Chapter 4: Installation
Power Options Installing The Active Transient Filter Power Supply
The Active Transient Filter Power Supply (PN 19893-600) is designed to filter out
large volumes of transients and surges. It can be used to power both standard temp.
and freezer 8570 vehicle-mount computers.
Note: The -600 must be installed on all 24-48 VDC battery powered trucks.
Figure 4.12 Active Transient Filter Power Supply – 19893-600
The diagram below illustrates the recommended method of connection for this filter.
Figure 4.13 Connection Method For The Active Transient Filter Power Supply
Power Supply
Active Transient Filter
15-55VDC IN Nom
18V-36W Out
8570 Terminal
Truck Battery
Very Dirty Power
13985 Cable
Withstands 180V transients
and 168VDC 20ms surges.
Nom 24-48VDC