134 Settings Options
MX6 Reference Guide E-EQ-MX6RG-E-ARC
Factory Default Settings
AP Search Threshold Medium Density
LXE recommends setting the AP Search Threshold to “Medium Density” .
When using Meetinghouse, the AP Search Threshold is set to “Medium Density.”
The user can change this value to Low, Medium or High Density when creating an 802.11 profile.
Figure 4-51 Add Profile – Advanced Tab
Modify an Existing Profile
Figure 4-52 Modify Network Profile
When you need to modify an existing profile, select the profile to be modified from the Preferred
Profiles List on the Config tab screen. Tap the Edit icon.
Note: The SSID, Type, TX Rate, and Channel fields are unchangeable in AP mode, whereas TX
Rate and Channel fields can be changed in Peer-to-Peer mode.