Power Tools EZConfig Utilities 207
E-EQ-MX6RG-E-ARC MX6 Reference Guide
Key Value Description
BadScanWav Default=”” Specifies a wave file to be played on an
unsuccessful decode/data reception. The wave file
should be an 8 bit, 11KHz, mono, PCM file. If no
wave file is specified, the default beep will be
utilized. Use the ‘sound’ setting to enable and
disable audio notification. NOTE: The Window's
“Bad Decode” sound defined in the control panel
or the BadScanFreq parameter take precedence
over this option, if defined.
GoodScanLen 50 Number of milliseconds to play the sound as
specified in GoodScanFreq.
GoodScanFreq 2794 Sound frequency used for playing a custom good
scan beep. NOTE: The Window's “Good Decode”
sound defined in the control panel takes
precedence over this option, if defined.
BadScanLen 25 Number of milliseconds to play the sound as
specified in BadScanFreq
BadScanFreq 523 Sound frequency used for playing a custom bad
scan beep. NOTE: The Window's “Bad Decode”
sound defined in the control panel takes
precedence over this option, if defined.
ResetIdleTimers 0 If set to 1, resets the Window's Idle timers before
each decode attempt, preventing the device from
entering into suspend mode when in AutoScan
AudioMode 1