242 Decoder
MX6 Reference Guide E-EQ-MX6RG-E-ARC
Settings specified as “Imager Only” have an effect only on MX6 units equipped with an integrated
imager. These settings have no effect on laser scanner-equipped units.
DecodeMode – Imager Only
Default: 1
Valid: 1 = Normal mode
2 = Aggressive Linear Decode (ALD)
4 = Quick Omni
In Normal mode the imager will decode both linear and 2-D symbologies.
In Aggressive Linear Decode mode the imager will only read linear symbologies in this mode, but
decoding these is faster and more accurate than Normal Mode.
In Quick Omni mode the imager searches for a barcode in a reduced field located around the
center of the image. Decoding is faster in this mode, but the user must center the aiming line over
the barcode to be read. Both linear and 2-D symbologies can be read in this mode.
LinearRange – Imager Only
Linear Range
Default: 3
Valid: 1 - 6
1 specifies that the linear range that is searched for a readable label is a tight vertical range near
the aimer. 6 specifies that the entire height of the image is to be searched.
LeaveLightsOn – Imager Only
Default: 0
Valid: 0 = Off, 1 = On
Specifies if the imager's lights and aimer should be left on during the entire decode process.
If Off, the lights are turned on only during image capture, then turned off while the imager
attempts to process and decode the barcode.
If On, the aimer and lights remain turned on during the entire process.
In ALD mode, set this parameter to 1 to improve the aimer visibility. See “DecodeMode”.