Fault Codes
027-599 An SMB protocol error occurred. Perform the same operation again. Contact the
Xerox Welcome Center if the problem persists.
027-702 The certificate for addresses does not exist. Register the certificate with the
027-703 The certificate for addresses has expired. Register a valid certificate with the
027-704 The certificate for addresses is not trusted. Register a valid certificate with the
027-705 The certificate for addresses has been revoked. Register a valid certificate with
the machine.
027-706 The machine has no S/MIME certificate for the machine’s e-mail address.
Import an S/MIME certificate into the machine.
027-707 The S/MIME certificate for the machine’s e-mail address has expired. Import a
valid S/MIME certificate into the machine.
027-708 The S/MIME certificate for the machine’s e-mail address is not trusted. Import a
trusted S/MIME certificate into the machine.
027-709 The S/MIME certificate for the machine’s e-mail address has been revoked.
Import a valid S/MIME certificate into the machine.
027-710 The machine has no S/MIME certificate for the received e-mail. Ask the sender
to attach an S/MIME certificate to e-mail.
027-711 The S/MIME certificate for the sender was not retrieved from the received e-
mail. Import a sender’s S/MIME certificate into the machine, or ask the sender to
attach an S/MIME certificate to e-mail.
027-712 The S/MIME certificate for the received e-mail has expired or is not trusted. Ask
the sender to send e-mail with a valid certificate.
027-713 The reception of the e-mail was rejected, because the e-mail contents had been
altered during transmission. Notify the sender of the possibility of falsification,
and request the sender to resend the e-mail.
027-714 The reception of the e-mail was rejected, because the sender written in the
“From” field differs from the e-mail address registered with the signature. Notify
the sender of the possibility of impersonation, and ask the sender to resend the
027-715 The S/MIME certificate for the received e-mail has not been registered on the
machine or is not effective on the machine. Import the sender’s S/MIME
certificate into the machine, or if it has been imported, register the certificate on
the machine so that it becomes effective.
027-716 The reception of the e-mail was rejected, because the S/MIME certificate was
not trusted. Ask the sender to send e-mail with a trusted certificate.
027-730 The number of the document pages attached to the SMTP e-mail was more
than the maximum number of pages allowed for the Split Send feature. Reduce
the number of the document pages, and try again.
027-731 A Job Template server access limit error occurred. Wait until the NetWare job in
process is completed, and try again.
027-732 A Job Template server access error occurred. Check if the hard disk on the
server is working correctly and has sufficient free space, and try again.
Code Description and Remedy