A-14 Installation Planning Guide
Fuser agent
Fuser agent (the lubricant for the printer fuser) is a consumable
item required by the printer. The consumption rate of Xerox fuser
agent is approximately one bottle per 250,000 pages. For
product information, refer to the consumable supplies table in
this appendix.
US only: You should keep at least two boxes (each box contains
one bottle) on hand for installation by the service representative.
Developer is not consumed by the printer but does have an
effective life of approximately 1,000,000 pages per carton
(600,000 per carton for MICR developer). Both kinds of
developer are guaranteed by Xerox for 600,000 pages per
carton. Developer is a required item and must be kept on hand.
Use only the developer specified for use in your printer.
The DP 100/115/135/155/180 MICR EPS printers require a
different developer, with a different part number, from the
developer used in the standard DP EPS printer. Be sure you use
only designated MICR developer in the MICR printers.
The developer is changed by your service representative. For
product information, refer to the consumable supplies table in
this appendix.
Diskettes are optional items that provide loading and backup of
fonts, forms, and user files to and from the printing system. The
processor accepts 3.5-inch, 1.44 MB, double-sided, high density
Cartridge tapes
The quarter-inch cartridge (QIC) tape drive uses 150 MB and
8GB cartridge tapes.